

Pet Portrait Commissions

“Having met Sydney several years ago at a plein air retreat, I eventually learned that she was painting pet portraits. I have never been one for having my pets painted but our dog, Gibbs, is the best dog we have ever had and I decided to have a painting commissioned to honor our pup. We submitted a photo to Sydney and I was invited to share my ideas, preferences and overall goal for the portrait. I appreciated being able to have that input but also just completely trusted Sydney to produce an awesome representation of Gibbs. We were not disappointed in the least. We love the painting. She captured his kind and gentle soul.” - Marge

“My sister’s dog passed away last year and I wanted something to give to her, to help comfort her. I spoke with Sydney about creating a portrait of the dog. Sydney was amazing to work with and had an absolutely stunning piece of art that captured the dog in a beautiful way. My sister cried when I gave it to her. I can’t thank Sydney enough.” - Kylie

“I commissioned Sydney to do 2 portraits of my daughters dogs for her Christmas present. They were beautiful and so well done. I would highly recommend Sydney. She was great to work with!” - Penny


Professional Reviews

“Sydney Turner’s creative talents are wide. Skilled in multiple painting mediums, she has the intuitive ability to capture the essence of her subjects. Her discipline and accountability is flawless for completing commissions and art projects. She is a gifted painter and business woman.” - Susan Nicholas Gephart


Patreon Reviews

“I met Sydney at a plein air painting retreat several years ago and quickly saw her entrepreneurial spirit and gift for both painting and teaching. At that time, I only used oil paints. After watching Sydney work with her watercolors over the years and transition into teaching, I was finally inspired to give it a go. Being a frequent user of Patreon, I was happy to see Sydney start her own Patreon page and quickly began to be a patron. I have appreciated the simplicity with which the lessons are presented. Her camera work and sound is always very clear and consistent. The videos are so well organized and so easy to follow along, as well as to practice independently. She is responsive to messages and suggestions. I look forward to future content.” - Marge